Breaking down barriers: Five ideas for more inclusive digital publishing

More content is being consumed digitally than ever before – but how inclusive is the digital publishing sector? We reached out to our Associate partners to get their perspective on what single, impactful step digital publishers could take to ensure that ED&I is baked into their organisation and to support the development of a more inclusive industry.

From hiring to content creation to distribution, here are five ideas to help accelerate your journey to becoming a fairer and more equitable publisher.

Embed inclusivity in every facet of your organisation.

They could ensure they are taking a holistic approach to inclusivity that considers all the ways in which it can be compromised. This covers a multitude of things: the atmosphere in the sales team, which has traditionally had a reputation for being somewhat unforgiving. The recruitment process – is it free from bias, including unconscious bias? The more obvious forms of inclusivity, such as age, sex and gender. And the less obvious, including religion, sexual orientation, disability and neurodiversity. Only by taking an all-encompassing approach to inclusivity can digital publishers hope to achieve it.

Sean Adams, CMO, Brand Metrics

Look at your hiring processes and remove unconscious bias.

The key to a more inclusive digital publishing space lies in DEI being incorporated in the hiring process, in order for diverse opinions to impact the entire organisational strategy, all the way to editorial agenda. This single action unlocks a cascade of benefits.

  • Wider Audience: Showcasing diverse voices attracts a broader, newer audience that connects and identifies with these ideals.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Prioritising diverse voices demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity, building trust and strengthening the publisher's reputation, benefiting both readers and advertisers.
  • Opportunity in inclusivity: Adapting a new strategy throughout the organisation will not only benefit the business internally, but it will also align with the vision of other businesses looking to find these audiences. These brands are looking to reach a more representative consumer base that may be hard to find and connect with at the moment.

Embracing diversity and inclusivity strengthens the entire ecosystem. Readers discover new voices, brands connect with a broader base, and publishers build trust through inclusivity.

Dariya Silko, Senior Publisher Sales Manager, Taboola

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