Being Your Authentic Self

How can you improve wellbeing and mental health in the workplace?

On the first ever episode of our podcast ‘Off Record, On Point’, we spoke with Yahoo’s new Global Co-Lead of Neurodiversity, Jack Ellis, about men’s mental health and what being authentic means to him. What unravelled was a deep and important discussion on how his ADHD diagnosis changed his life, and how effort can be made to support each other in the workplace to the benefit of both our mental wellness and our work performance. 

Jack defines neurodiversity and poor mental health as two separate – although often intertwined – states of being. But whether someone is struggling with something external or they are learning to live with a lifelong neurodiversity diagnosis, it’s time to open the discussion and combat the stigma. At the end of the day, a positive work environment benefits us all. 

There’s heaps more that employers could be doing to make employees feel more comfortable. A recent 2022 study found that work-life balance has risen to be the most valued aspect of a career, a whole 8% more important than salary and benefits. Finding a good work-life balance is something we have always prided ourselves on at The Digital Voice. Our company’s slogan is ‘Love it, Own it, Improve it’ – we live by this in everything we do, celebrating every member of our team for their achievements, for being passionate about their roles and pushing on with our mission to improve the way we work, not just for our clients, but for ourselves. 

But a large part of employee wellbeing comes down to authenticity. How open can you be? How comfortable are you being yourself? Authenticity requires a sense of psychological safety: trust, belonging, and inclusion. Building it takes vulnerability, and often stepping out of your comfort zone. Making room for yourself and  others you work with to be unabashedly authentic takes a little effort from both sides but can make all the difference. 

Here’s a few important tips on how to promote mental health and wellbeing in the workplace!

Reducing the Stigma

We’ve come so far in acceptance in the last decade that it can be easy to forget the stigma that mental health once carried. For many of us, uncertainty can lead us to hide aspects of ourselves in anticipation of a negative reaction that may never come. 

Opening up and leading discussions about neurodiversity and mental wellbeing, and having a dedicated person or people that employees know they can speak to without judgment goes a long way towards cultivating trust and comfort.

Practising Mindfulness

Pause and look inwards. Check in with yourself to see what’s weighing on you, and practice self-gratitude to appreciate your achievements. But mindfulness doesn’t have to be an individual responsibility, and there’s plenty that can be done as a group or for employees. 

Group meditation sessions and other tools that help your colleagues to slow down and breathe really aid in relaxing and refocusing on the work day. Personal check-ins and supporting employees through their mindfulness journeys are another great way to show you care.

Workplace Self Care
If you’re struggling with an ongoing issue or simply the stresses of the daily grind, a little workplace self care is a must. Something as simple as taking a 5 minute break every 90 minutes can bring down your stress levels considerably – spend that time listening to music or stretching, make a cup of tea, or simply step away from your computer screen to give your eyes a break. 

Grazing on healthy snacks and staying hydrated keeps your energy up, and finding a colleague you can speak with openly really helps share the load when things are weighing on you. Whilst a stressful workload might be unavoidable, your environment shouldn’t have to contribute to that. Make regular time to ensure you’re feeling your best, and you’ll be tirelessly turning out your best work every day.

Remember Remote Workers
Many of us are used to remote working by now – in fact, at The Digital Voice, we’re fully remote across multiple countries! In a lot of ways, it encourages a great deal of authenticity. The comfort of working from our own homes has allowed many of us to loosen up, putting less emphasis on office formality and more effort into producing amazing results. But remote working can be isolating, too. 

Team calls to celebrate each other’s successes are a must to feel that sense of belonging that fosters authenticity. As Jack learned when he joined us for Off Record, On Point, at The Digital Voice we give ‘snaps’ in celebration to hype each other up for our achievements, big or small. Access to self-improvement and e-learning resources, virtual spaces and team-building activities can mean a lot, especially when getting together in person for fun events and team-building fun might not be an option for all remote workers. 

Whatever you decide to implement, whether for yourself, for your colleagues or your employees, what matters the most is making it known that you care. The more we talk and open up the conversation, the more we reconstruct the traditional workplace and build an environment where everyone feels safe and comfortable to be their authentic selves.

Want to join in on the authenticity conversation? Listen to
Off Record, On Point Episode 1 with Jack Ellis: ‘The Secret to… Being Your Authentic Self’, available now wherever you get your podcasts. We’d love to hear from you about the episode, so why not leave a review or find us on LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter to share your thoughts?

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